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Intellectual Freedom Resources





OLA IFC Statement to Midwest Tape on proposed Hoopla rating system (6/25/2024)

OLAIFC/PDSAL Statement on Canby School District Book Removals and Restrictions (2/26/2024) 

OLA/OIFC Statement on Materials Challenges and Intellectual Freedom (12/13/2021)


Tuesday Topics

"Tuesday Topics" is a monthly series of listserv posts organized by the Oregon Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee and covering topics with intellectual freedom implications for libraries of all types. New posts are shared on the Libs-Or and OASL listservs. 

 Oregon Resources

  • After-Hours Wi-Fi Survey Report, April 2017 (.pdf, 1.1 MB): reports on an OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee survey of public libraries across the state of Oregon about their experiences with providing Wi-Fi access after library open hours. 

  • Parents Defending Schools and Libraries (PDSAL.org):   this Oregon-based group enables parents, teachers and libraries to stay informed and alert their community that a challenge has been filed before a book is removed or a lesson plan suppressed. Sign up to get notifications of censorship in your area. Visit the website for resources to push back on censorship, including a growing roster of "book résumés".

National Resources

Conference Materials