Cultivating Creativity
OLA CONFERENCE 2015 - #OrLib15
Hilton Eugene & Conference Center
66 East 6th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
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Financial Management for the Not-So-Well-Off 9:00am - 1:00pm CANCELED
Debra Driscoll, Financial Literacy Professor,OSU Extension Service; Brent Hunsberger, Personal finance columnist, The Oregonian
Do you empathize with your library patrons who have money problems? Would you like to be better able to help them? If so, please join Professor Debra Driscoll from the OSU Extension Service and Brent Hunsberger, the Oregonian's "It's Your Money" financial columnist, as they discuss debt, credit, identity theft, savings and financial management in this half-day session. Learn about available resources and along the way pick up some useful tips for your own financial life.
New Developments in Genre/Form Access 9:00am - 4:00pm
Adam Schiff, University of Washington; Ann Shaffer, Lori Robare, and Ryan Hildebrand, University of Oregon
Genre/form headings describe what an item is, rather than what it is about. The Library of Congress has been removing genre/form headings from LCSH and incorporating them into LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) for several years. Big changes are coming for music and literature in the next year, as genre terms are finalized and LC no longer assigns LCSH form headings in these areas. This preconference will explain what these changes will bring to cataloging: new MARC fields for aspects of LCSH headings that are not genre, and new LC vocabularies for medium of performance and demographic terms.
Oregon Virtual Reference Summit 9:00am - 4:00pm Informal Gathering from 8:00 - 9:00am
Marie Radford, Rutgers University Cathy Camper, Author
The Oregon Virtual Reference Summit is Oregon’s annual conference dedicated to reference, service, and technology. This year it is an OLA preconference that strives for a fun, friendly, inclusive environment with reference-focused content appropriate for all skill levels, library types, and experiences. It is also an excellent opportunity to meet virtual reference staff from around the state face-to-face and exchange ideas. Presenters and attendees do not need to staff Answerland; all are welcome.
In the spirit of the OLA theme "Libraries Cultivating Crativity," our afternoon main speaker will be Cathy Camper, author of the graphic novel Lowriders in Space. Cathy Camper is also the creator of Bugs Before Time: Prehistoric Insects and Their Relatives. Her work has also been featured in Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People by Amy Sedaris, as well as in Wired, Cricket, Cicada, Primavera, Women’s Review of Books, Utne Reader, and Giant Robot. She is a graduate of VONA/Voices writing workshops for people of color in Berkeley, California. She reviews graphic novels online for Lambda Literary and is a librarian for Multnomah County Library in Portland, Oregon, where she does outreach to schools and kids in grades K-12.
Basic Book Repair for Libraries 9:00am - 4:00pm
Carolee Harrison and Kristen Kern, Portland State University Library
This session covers the selection of books for in-house mending, an introduction to book structure and archival repair materials, and hands-on instruction of several basic book repair procedures. There will also be discussion on collection maintenance and how to prevent human and environmental damage to books.
Leading from Any Position: Creating Learning Libraries in Five Easy Lessons 9:00am - 5:00pm
Becky Schreiber, Organization Consultant, Schreiber Shannon Associates; John Shannon, Organization Consultant, Schreiber Shannon Associates
Want to know more about this unique session? Check out their dedicated page!
Becky Schreiber and John Shannon guide participants through the leadership concepts presented in the book Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter Senge, focusing on the five disciplines of building “learning organizations.” Participants will: • Explore the concepts of Leading from Any Position; to take initiative and garner influence regardless of organizational authority • Practice practical applications of Senge’s five disciplines • Apply the disciplines to each participant’s unique situation • Plan strategies for using the concepts to create a collaborative culture • Experience the fun of creating together, treating ambiguity as an opportunity for group innovation Participants will walk away with quick and easy action steps that they can apply to their work environment.
Filmmaking for Library Types 9:00am - 4:00pm
Soha Badei, Capital Community Television (CCTV), Salem
A finished product on YouTube looks so easy, but a lot goes into creating a tightly woven, engaging video to highlight a library or library service. Experienced professionals from Salem's CCTV will go over the general principles (and pitfalls) of filmmaking before letting attendees loose in teams to give it a try - using easily accessible tools (Flip cameras, cell phones, and Windows Movie Maker) to plan, create, and rough edit 60-90 second book trailers. The day will also include a discussion of the pros and cons of various video distribution platforms. |
Your 2015 conference is powered by these generous sponsors. Thank you! #OrLib15