About Oregon Library Association
The OLA exists to promote and to advance library service through public and professional education and cooperation. OLA's officers, divisions, committees and roundtables help make OLA a vital, dynamic library organization with more than 1,000 members. We have a record of successfully representing the interest of libraries and library staff and those they serve throughout Oregon. Your OLA membership provides you with many benefits, including connections with library staff and supporters throughout the state. As a member, you will receive the Association's publications, including the OLA Hotline, an electronic semi-monthly newsletter on current events and topics, and the OLA Quarterly, a journal with in-depth theme articles on significant library issues. You will have access to the Association's web site (www.olaweb.org), and you will receive an invitation to attend the annual conference at the discounted member rate. In addition to these benefits, your membership provides an opportunity to become an active participant in OLA. I invite you to attend available sessions and workshops throughout the year. Consider joining a division, committee and/or a roundtable to become more involved in advancing library services for Oregonians. OLA's success is a direct result of its members' enthusiastic efforts to promote access to information and library services for the citizens of our state.