Awards Committee Arlene Weible, State Library of Oregon (email) Solicits nominations for Association awards in various categories; makes selections of recipients
Communications Vacant, Chair, (email) The Communications Committee oversees creation, distribution, and archival storage of the two main publications of the Oregon Library Association: The bi-weekly OLA Hotline and the OLA Quarterly journal.
Vacant, Chair, (email)
OLA Hotline Lex Fowler, Editor, OLA Volunteer, Student :(email)
OLA Quarterly - Editor in Chief, Melissa Anderson, Southern Oregon University, (email)
OLA Tweeter/Twitter Admin: Vacant OLA Facebook Admin: Charles Wood, (email) OLA Association Manager: Shirley Roberts, (email)
Conference Taylor Worley, Eugene Public Library (email) Plans and executes the program for the annual conference.
EDI Anti-racism Committee Roxanne Renteria, Co-chair, Deschutes Public Library (email) LaRee Dominguez, Co-chair, Albany Public Library An Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Task Force was created at the August 2019 OLA Board meeting with the charge of developing an EDI Plan for the Association. The purpose of the EDI Plan is to affirm OLA’s commitment to EDI and set direction for OLA by identifying EDI priorities and strategies to achieve them. In April 2021 this Task Force was made an OLA Standing Committee at the OLA Annual Business Meeting, held during the OLA 2021 Virtual Conference.
Finance / Investment Stuart Levy, OLA Treasurer, Parkrose High School Library (email) Reviews all fiscal policies and procedures, responding to direction from the Executive Board. The Committee serves as the consulting body for the Treasurer, the Executive Board, and the Association Manager in such areas as Association investments, the budget, and other financial concerns of the Association.
Intellectual Freedom Vacant (email) Aids the development of the Association's position on Intellectual Freedom, to interpret this position to the public, and to act in support of this position.
Leadership Liisa Sjoblom, Chair, Deschutes Public Library, (email) Oversees leadership development opportunities for the OLA membership, including creating and managing leadership trainings and programs, as well as serving as leadership mentors.
Legislative Jeremy Skinner, Curry Public Library District, (email) Kate Lasky, Co-chair, Josephine Community Library (email) Establishes plans for improvement of libraries in Oregon through study and recommendation of plans for the use of state and federal funds; exploration of other sources of funding, e.g., foundation grants. Establishes priorities for legislative action which may affect all types of libraries in Oregon.
Membership Vacant Endeavors to secure new members for the Association by contacting librarians and others interested in library service in Oregon. Special effort should be made to contact those new to the state and the profession to express OLA's interest in them and to explain what the Association can offer them. Membership Committee also actively communicates with non-renewing members for possible renewal, response to exit survey, etc.
Oregon Authors John Repplinger, Chair, Willamette University (email) Collects and preserves bibliographical data on Oregon authors.
Oregon Reader's Choice Award Ellen Pedersen, Reike Elementary (email) The ORCA is intended to be a fun and exciting way for Oregon youth in grades 4-12 to become enthusiastic and discriminating readers. During the course of the school year, Oregon students choose their favorite book in a real-life democratic process.