OLA Publications
The Oregon Library Association provides these official publications:
- OLA Hotline (ISSN 1097-8119)
Semi-monthly newsletter disseminated to OLA members and other subscribers by email.- Editor: Berenice Prado, Emporia State University
Send news items to olahotline@olaweb.org.
- OLA Quarterly (ISSN 1093-7374)
OLA's quarterly journal is indexed in Library Literature & Information Science and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts.
- Contact: Charles Wood, OLA Quarterly Editor
- OLAweb
The association's web site.- Web Editor: Shirley Roberts, OLA Association Manager
Send items to ola@olaweb.org
- Overdue: Weeding Out Oppression in Libraries
Podcast created and OLA EDI & Antiracism Committee Launched 3/31/22
Other Publications