OLA Quarterly
Find the latest issue and past issues, hosted by Oregon State University Libraries and Press.
The Oregon Library Association Board is pleased to announce that Melissa Anderson has accepted the position of OLA Quarterly Managing Editor.
Melissa is an Associate Professor and Campus Engagement and Research Services Librarian at Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon. She brings a passion for writing and editing to her new position, previously serving in a variety of editorial roles with academic journals and as a teacher and coach for those learning professional writing. Melissa has also been a member of OLA since 2016 and has served on the ACRL-OR Board, OLA Finance Committee, and the OLA EDI & Antiracism Committee.
Melissa will be working to produce two issues of the OLA Quarterly in the upcoming year. If you have ideas for issue themes or may be interested in guest editor opportunities, please reach out to her at [email protected].
OLA Quarterly (ISSN 1093-7374)
To highlight the innovative work of library professionals throughout Oregon, Oregon Library Association (OLA) publishes a quarterly online journal called the OLA Quarterly.
The mission of OLA is to provide advocacy, education, leadership, and collaboration to continually strengthen Oregon’s libraries and the communities they serve.
To support the OLA mission, the OLA Quarterly is published online up to four times yearly as a benefit to approximately 1,000 OLA members and the broader professional community. The OLA Quarterly typically features about five to 10 articles across about 40 pages.
OLA Quarterly is indexed in Library Literature & Information Science and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts.
The OLA Quarterly reflects the following editorial mission and OLA values:
- To showcase the innovative work of Oregon library workers, students, partner organizations, and volunteers.
- To provide an entry-level outlet for professional publication to the Oregon library community.
- To treat each other according to the ALA Code of Ethics and principles of equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) and antiracism (OLA EDI Antiracism Committee, 2020).
- To represent the needs and interests of Oregon libraries of all types, organizational structures, and sizes, from all corners of the state.
- To publicize new ideas and initiatives that can be replicated in libraries in Oregon and around the world.
While OLA Quarterly is not a peer-reviewed journal, its editorial team and contributors strive to publish professional-quality content for the benefit of all Oregon libraries and library workers. Direction for the people involved in the writing, editing, and publishing of this journal is included in Editorial Guidelines document. Find current and archived issues at the OLA Quarterly Archives.