OLA Statement of Support for the Josephine Community Library District This is a statement in advocates and stands with Josephine Community Library District in their fight for the future of their library and the community it serves. January 15, 2025
Statement from the Oregon Library Association and OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee RE: McMinnville School District's Denial of Appeal Regarding Challenged Books. This is a joint statement recognizing the recent decision by McMinnville School Board to retain seven challenged titles in their high school library. October 30, 2024
Statement from the Oregon Library Association, Intellectual Freedom Committee, and Parents Defending Schools and Libraries RE: Proposed Hoopla Rating System. This is a joint statement regarding Midwest Tape’s attempts to implement a new rating system, or alternatively called “filter system”, that directly impacts access to children’s collections. June 25, 2024
Statement from the Oregon Library Association and the Oregon Association of School Libraries RE: Proposed cuts to Portland Public Schools' library programs. February 29, 2024
OLA IFC / PDSAL Statement on Canby School District Book Removals and Restrictions, (2/26/2024) IFC and PDSAL published a Statement of the OIFC review and findings regarding Canby School District's removal of Lolita and the restriction of other library materials. This statement is in part to support SB1583.
During the 2024 Oregon Legislative Session, OLA is supporting SB 1583 which prohibits discrimination when selecting textbooks, instructional materials, program materials or library books that are used in the public schools of Oregon. Available here is the statement from the Legislative Committee and from the Intelllectual Freedom Committee
Statement from the Oregon Library Association and the Intellectual Freedom Committee RE: Materials Challenges and Intellectual Freedom. June 6, 2023
Letter from the OLA EDIA Committee to the Linn-Benton Community College leaders and stakeholders condemning personnel cuts. May 30, 2023
Press Release - Oregon Libraries Need State Funding. May 22, 2023
OLA Executive Officers Statement about OLA EDIA work. Message sent to OLA members on March 1, 2023.
OLA and Intellectual Freedom Committee Statement on Crook County Library Board Request for Exclusionary Treatment of LGBTQIA+ Library Materials (2022-12-05)
OLA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Antiracism Committee Calling for Meaningful Support for BIPOC Library Workers (2022-10-26) In response to ongoing violence against Black people in the United States, the OLA EDI and Antiracism Committee, reaffirm Black Lives Matter, and that Black people and African Americans, including library patrons and workers, are living under the weight of constant violence and other forms of discrimination and oppression.... Read the rest of the statement here
OLA and Intellectual Freedom Committee Statement on Medford School District's removal of The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic Novel (2022-09-19)
OLA/ACRL-OR joint letter to Senator Wyden re: Increasing Public Access to Federally Funded Scientific Research (2022-05-28)
OLA Board Response to Recent Discussions on Libs-OR re: EDIA Petition (2022-02-28)
Break the Library Institutional Reliance on Unpaid BIPOC Labor! A petition from the OLA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Antiracism Committee, endorsed by the OLA Executive Board on February 4, 2022.
OLA thank you letter to Senator Wyden (2022-1-14) A letter expressing thanks to Senator Wyden for his work investigating prohibitive pricing and licensing of ebooks for libraries.
OLA and Intellectual Freedom Committee Statement on Materials Challenges (2021-12-13)
OLA and ACRL OR comment to the U.S. Copyright Office on procedures for a library or archive to preemptively opt out of Copyright Claims Board (CCB) proceedings, as directed by the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act of 2020. (2021-10-4) Click here for comment.
OLA Letters to Oregon Congressional Delegation on Build America’s Libraries Act (BALA) (2021_05_03) The Oregon Library Association urges members of Congress to cosponsor the Build America’s Libraries Act (H.R. 1581 / S.127) which would fund upgrades to the nation’s library infrastructure. Introduced by Senator Wyden and cosponsored by Representatives Bonamici, Blumenauer and DeFazio, letters were sent to Senator Merkley, Representative Bentz and Representative Schrader also urging cosponsorship. See also a related Op-Ed published in Eugene Register-Guard (2021_04_13) authored by OLA President Kate Lasky and Springfield Public Library and Museum Director Emily David.
OLA Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence (2021_03_19) The Oregon Library Association condemns anti-Asian hate crimes and strongly supports the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence. Click here for statement.
OLA Statement to Prioritize Library Workers in COVID Vaccine Distribution (2021_02_17) The Oregon Library Association (OLA) urges the Office of the Governor, Oregon Health Authority, academic leaders, and local government leaders and officials at the county and city level to prioritize access to vaccinations for library workers who are at heightened risk for exposure to COVID-19, such as those providing in-person services. Click here for statement
OLA Statement in Response to Executive Order 13950 (2020_10_30) The OLA’s statement was crafted by OLA President, Kate Lasky. LDLC members reviewed and provided feedback to effectively convey OLA’s unwavering commitment to antiracism and EDI. Kate is especially grateful to OLA’s EDI Task Force for their own work, as it most definitely provided much of the basis for our response. Click here to read full response
OLA EDI Anit-Racism Special Committee Statement (2020_10_02) Statement presented to the OLA Board October 2, 2020 Click here for statement
OLA Fact Sheet - Oregon Libraries and Ballot Drop Off Sites (2020_09_04) Statement and fact sheet regarding Oregon Libraries and Ballot Drop Off Sites Click here for full Statement and/or click here for Fact Sheet
OLA statement against library layoffs (2020_08_07) Now more than ever, the Oregon Library Association (OLA) asserts the importance and value of retaining and supporting library workers to maintain public library services which support employment, education, and entrepreneurship. During the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic downturn, it is crucial to continue these important services for residents across the state of Oregon. Click here for the full statement
OLA letter to Oregon Legislators on what libraries are doing during Covid crisis (2020_05_18) Thank you for your continued leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. As this crisis continues, we wanted to give you a brief update on what libraries across the state are doing to continue providing free access to reading materials, broadband, professional assistance and additional resources to Oregonians. Click here for entire letter.
OLA statement to close public, academic, tribal, and special libraries (2020_03_18) A statement written calling on all library administrators, governing boards, and local governments to close public, academic, tribal, and special libraries in Oregon for the foreseeable future. Click here for the statement.
OLA Quarterly 25(2) apology written on behalf of the OLA Board and Communications Committee (2019_11_15) Apology written by OLA President on behalf of the OLA Board and Communications Committee for the impact and distress the inclusion of the article "Yes, but ... One Librarian's Thoughts About Doing It Right" has had on many readers, and especially Black, Indigineous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. Click here for the response.OLA Quarterly Response 2019_11_15.pdf
OLA Quarterly 25(2) President Response to conversation surrounding published article (2019_11) Written in response to the conversation surrounding the Oregon Library Association Quarterly (OLAQ) Summer issue, 25(2). Recognizes the concerns expressed by individuals about the final article in the issue, "Yes, but ... One Librarian's Thoughts About Doing I Right." Click here for the response.
OLA Call for MacMillan Publishers to Reverse Library eBook Embargo (2019_10) Macmillan Publishers announced a more restrictive library eBook lending model in July, which continues a troubling trend in the publishing industry. Coinciding with Digital Inclusion Week, OLA denounces this new lending model in the statement below and encourages readers to sign ALA's petition to stop Macmillan's eBook embargo at ebooksforall.org. Here is the full call.
OLA/ODLC Joint Statement regarding Tor eBooks to Library Embargo (2018_09) Letter written on behalf of the Oregon Library Association (OLA) and the Oregon Digital Library Consortium (ODLC) regarding their four-month embargo on sales of new Tor eBooks to libraries. Click here for letter.
OLA/OASL Statement of Support for OBOB selection of George (2018_05) Here you will find a statement from the Oregon Library Association (OLA) and Oregon Association of School Libraries (OASL) supporting the inclusion of George by Alex Gino in the 2018-19 Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB). OLA and OASL fully support George's place on the grades 3-5 list for next year's OBOB and are disappointed by efforts to limit the intellectual freedom of Oregon students and parents.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
About OBOB, OASL, or OLA:
Paige Battle
President, 2017-18
Oregon Library Association
503-916-5160 x81074
Buzzy Nielsen
President, 2017-18
Oregon Library Association
541-447-7978 x301
About students’ freedom to read and related issues:
James LaRue
Office for Intellectual Freedom
American Library Association (ALA)
Media interested in scheduling interviews with ALA spokespersons may contact Steve Zalusky, Communications Specialist of ALA’s Communications and Marketing Office; 312-280- 1546; [email protected].
Here is the letter.
Letter to Governor re: dismissal of State Librarian, OLA President, Buzzy Nielsen (2018_03) Letter sent to Governor Kate Brown about her office's unexpected dismissal of State Librarian MaryKay Dahlgreen. Here is the letter.
Wallowa County Library Closure Statement, OLA President, Elsa Loftis (2017_04) Statement to Oregon Library Association Members regarding closure of Wallowa County Library. Here is the letter.
Douglas County Closure Statement, OLA President, Elsa Loftis (2017_03) Statement to Oregon Library Community and the residents impacted by the closure of the Douglas County Libraries. Here is the statement.
Letter in support of House Bill 2729, OLA President, Elsa Loftis (2017_02) Support the creation of open educational resources as in the end they save students money while encouraging faculty to use existing free and open materials. Submitted to the committee staff for the House Committee on Higher Education and Workforce Development - [email protected] . Here is the letter.
Letter to Douglas County Commissioners, Buzzy Nielsen (OLA Vice President / President Elect 2017_01) Response to closure of Douglas County Library May 2017. Here is the letter.
Election Response Message from OLA President, Elsa Loftis (2016_11) Posted to Libs-OR and OLA Facebook page, November 23, 2016. Message
Recommendations to the Oregon Department of Education on the Implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (2016_11)
The ESSA, passed in December 2015, requires every state to develop an implementation plan that must be approved by the U.S. Department of Education before receiving federal funding. For the first time in many years, federal education funding law includes language about school libraries. In the fall of 2016, a small task force of OLA members including representation from OASL, ACRL-Oregon, the OLA Executive Board and the Library Development and Legislation Committee worked with the State Library and John Chrastka (EveryLibrary) to develop a set of recommendations. These provide a framework for working with ODE and school districts to improve Oregon's school libraries. Here is the letter sent to the Deputy Superintendent of ODE in November 2016.
Douglas County library district election, information regarding measure suppressed from the county library system's Website (2016)
In the upcoming November election, Douglas County voters will consider Measure 10-145, which would create a library district. County commissioners pulled impartial information about the measure from the library's website and social media presence. September 28, 2016, OLA President Elsa Loftis sent letters to the three county commissioners condemning this action, and OLA is working with EveryLibrary to get a petition going to protest this suppression of information. Original letter to County Commissioners Thank You Response
Supporting restoration of sequestered LSTA funds as part of budget negotiation (2015)
As the federal budget was debated, OLA joined ALA and COSLA in requesting restoration of LSTA funding to pre-sequestration levels. In December 2015, OLA President, Jane Corry, sent letters to the Oregon Congressional delegation. Here is the letter sent to Congressman Kurt Schrader.
Yes Vote for the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (2015)
For the first time in half a century Congress has underscored the importance of effective school library programs by expressly including them in multiple parts of this watershed reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Letters were sent to the Oregon Congressional delegation in November 2015. Here is one example - the letter sent to Congressman Blumenauer .
Black Lives Matter letter (2015)
The Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Library Development and Legislation Committee requested that OLA join others in objecting to surveillance from the oregon Attorney General's office on those using the hashtag #Black Live Matte. A letter was sent to the AG in November, 2015.
Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (2015)
OLA joined other academic library associations in expressing concern regarding the omission of Standard 7: Library and Information Services from the NEASC Standards for Accreditation. OLA President, Jane Corry, sent a letter in October 2015.
A letter outlining what OLA considered important for the new leader at the Library of Congress was sent to the Oregon Congressional delegation. President Jane Corry received follow-up from congressional staff so the letter was timely. This letter was sent in August 2015.
OLA Library Leadership Letter (2011)
OLA membership asked OLA Board to construct a letter that would be sent to library leadership in Oregon re-enforcing importance of support of staff participation in OLA and attendance of OLA sponsored events. Letter mailed 11/21/11 under the signature of Robert Hulshof-Schmidt, OLA President; Robert Everett, OLA Past-President and Abigail Elder, OLA President-Elect. To view a copy of this letter, please click here
PNLA Membership (2010)
After many years of debate and discussion, the OLA Executive Board unanimously voted to end our institutional membership in the Pacific Northwest Library Association (PNLA) at the end of our membership year. If you are interested in learning about all the factors that entered into the Board’s decision please click here.
OLA's membership expired in June 2010. Thanks to all OLA members who served as PNLA Representative in past years. This was not an easy decision or one that the board arrived at quickly. Feel free to email me if you have questions about the board’s decision. I can be reached at [email protected].