Outreach Round Table (ORT) Membership Info                     

Why join?

The ORT provides a framework for information sharing, continuing education and moral support for library workers currently providing outreach services. Joining is an opportunity to network and to find ways to expand or develop library outreach services to under-served communities.

How to join

All OLA members delivering outreach service or interested in such service are eligible for membership in ORT. There is a $5 annual fee to join this unit.

To join:

Already a member of OLA and you want to join an OLA unit, in this case ORT, follow directions below.

Add an Affiliation/Publication Form - Only use this form if you are already a member and want to join an OLA unit, such as ACRL-OR, Public Library Division, Legal Reference Round Table.  Feel free to contact the ORT chair for more information about becoming more involved.  

If you are not a member of OLA and want to join ORT, you must become a member of OLA in order to do so

Personal Membership Form
Payment of Membership Dues can be made either annually or on a quarterly basis.  Member type selection is either "Member - Regular - Annual," "Member - Regular - Annual (Auto Renew) or "Member - Regular - Quarterly,"  Quarterly dues are set up to automatically renew with payment deducted from the provided credit card on the due date.  As you work through the membership form there will be an opportunity to select a unit you would like to affiliate with.  That

Questions? Contact the Outreach Round Table at outreachrt@olaweb.org.

Updated 10/11/24 sjr